ZMMMMMMM's blog! (:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
12:35 PM

Déjà vu thats what i call it. Seen too much. known too much.
1yr 7mths to go.. wondering whr will i get posted to. results will be out coming fri. Thou i cant stay for long, at least i've been there. Review will be done nxt tue. How the following 1yr 7mth will be spent. Beginning to look at stuffs with a different prospective. that shld be good right. Peeps i've met along my block leave asking me hows ns blarblarblar. all i have to say is to take care of yourself inside and train hard b4 getting in. I mean REAL hard if you're in the enhanced leadership batch. U'll get what i mean soon.. I've seen guys falling one by one inside. Till today it still send shivers down my spine. Train hard. prep your bod for it. you'll be fine. Think i shld bid the days to clubbing goodbye? Trying to avoid even the occasional alcohol for isotonic drinks? At least after 2 mths frm tekong i've learnt smth.. Do yourself a favour, treasure your body. Thats the best investment ever.
This is Pte ZM Wong signing out.